One of the first things we did in TY was our trip to Carlingford Adventure Centre in Louth. It was realy fun and everyone made new friends. On Monday morning we got the bus from the esso garage in celbridge. The bus left at 7 am and an hour and a half later we were sitting in the centre talking with the leaders about rules and what we would be doing. Soon we were shown to our rooms. I stayed in a room with Laura, Zoe, Fiona, Jessica and Rachel. We unpacked and put on old clothes wellies and coats. After a while we walked to a huge field about 20 minutes away from the centre. The field was full of different obstical courses that we had to complete. We were made wear helmets and harnesses. Then our leader, Mat, led us to some of the different obstical courses. They were realy fun and everyone had to listen to each other in order to finish them. One was called comunication Breakdown. It was a big shed which was pitch black inside with three different stories made out of wood. Each story had tunnels and we had to find our way from one entrance to the other by going through the passages. Our whole group had to fit in it and no one could see a thing. After a while we eventualy found our way out :) It was such a good experience.

When we were finnished the obstical courses we went back to the centre where we were fed beans, chips and chiken nuggets :) We were destroyed with muck and so we went upstairs to our rooms after lunch to change. We were told to wear togs and to pack a swimming back.. After about an hour, we walked about 10 minutes down to the local peer and beach. It was sooo windy so it was freezing. However we did get a loan of wetsuites :)
The leaders then made a raft out of three rowing boats and soon we were in the middle of the sea in a big raft paddling along singing songs and having a laugh. It soon got out of control though and we ended up throwing each other off the raft and into the water :P haha
Soon after we were dryed up and back in our clothes we went back to the centre for dinner. We had stew with potatoes and ice-cream :D it was soooo nice! ha
After dinner we went back upstairs for a while where we cleaned up a bit and put on nice warm clothes, hiking boots and wolly socks haha..
We were going for a hike.
An hour later, everyone gathered downstairs and the group i was in set out on a three hour hike up the side of the mountain with our leader, Mat. It was raining and very cold but we had such a laugh climing and walking.
When we got home we got nice warm showers and we then went to the local chinese and ordered lovely food :D Soon we were told to go to bed but we didnt get to sleep for a while :P haha
On Tuesday morning, we set out on another hike but this time we had a task. We had to go around in small groups collecting numbers and letters in the woods and it took us hours but we did have a laugh and almost ended up running the whole time haha
We also wen to a high ropes area where we put on helments and harnesses and had to walk across ropes realy high up and do different obsticals up high. It was deffinatly my favourite part of the trip :D
We went home on tuesday evening at about 5pm.
It was an amazing experience and was great bonding trip. Thanks to Ms Roan and Ms O Callaghan for going with us :D we realy enjoyed it! :)